Chapter 249 Chairman of Hongdao Group! Shen Hong! (Second update! Request for recommendation!) _1

"Senior, are you not fond of these dishes?" Ren Feifan extended his hand and waved it in front of Yuan Xuejiao, trying to bring her back from her absent-mindedness.

"Huh?" Yuan Xuejiao came to her senses, glanced at the menu, and quickly nodded, "Any of these is fine, you can order whatever you want."

Ren Feifan nodded gentlemanly and spoke a few words to the waiter cheerfully and politely before the waiter left.

Once the waiter was gone, Yuan Xuejiao grabbed Ren Feifan's hand unabashedly and demanded, "Junior, have you lived abroad before?"

Ren Feifan shook his head.

"Are you of Chinese descent then?"

Ren Feifan still shook his head.

Yuan Xuejiao went mad and blurted out, "Then how come you speak French and can even converse so smoothly with the waiter? Don't tell me you were born with that ability. I don't fall for that!"

After saying so, she raised her own soft little fist.