Chapter 253: Luring the Tiger Away From the Mountain! (Second update! Asking for Recommendation Votes!)_1

In almost an instant, yellow light exploded, swallowing the black light and the fierce aura it had initially carried vanished without a trace.

A shadow was flung backward, tumbling in the air. When it finally managed to stabilize, it was a face full of gravity looking at Ren Feifan.

This shadow turned out to be the middle-aged man who had been on the phone outside earlier.

Ren Feifan walked slowly towards him, saying as he went, "A mere mortal possesses such martial strength? Hehe."

The man's eyes darkened and a dagger appeared in his hand. His voice, icy as it came, said, "What's the point of you noticing me? Regardless, you're not leaving here today. That's my mission!"

"What benefits has the Shen family offered you that you're so committed?" Ren Feifan asked.

"Enough talk, die!"