Chapter 272: I am Kind, But the Heavens do not Allow! (First update, seeking votes!)_1

"Class president, thank you for the first tissue, this bunch of flowers is for you!" With a smile curling up at the corner of his mouth, Ren Feifan bent over and placed the flowers in front of Qin Kejing.

The next second, the whole playground erupted!

The most annoying part was Wang Qingquan.

Just a moment ago, he said that Ren Feifan hadn't left them any soup to drink.

Now it seems he was too young to understand.

"I think I need to revise what I just said," Wang Qingquan solemnly declared.

This sudden seriousness took the other two people in the dorm by surprise.

"How do you want to revise it?" They asked in unison.

"I thought we not only did have meat or soup, at least we had a plate, we could always eat the plate. Now it seems I was too naive! That beast, he didn't even leave us a plate, brothers, should we punish him tonight?"


Meanwhile, Qin Kejing stared at the roses in front of her, almost palpable heart beating fast, her cheeks flushing red.