Chapter 277: The S-Class Assassin of the Rakshasa Gate! (First Update, Seeking Votes!)_1

Ren Feifan had experienced dealing with people who possessed superpowers before. Back on Purgatory Island, there was a battalion of superpowered soldiers, and their methods were varied and ingenious. He had had some dealings with them and almost perished on that island.

At the time, he hadn't yet received any legacy or discovered any mysterious spaces, so it was normal for him to fight desperately. But now things were different. Having embarked on the path of cultivation, he could easily crush certain individuals.

"What might be the cultivation level of a fire elemental superpower user?" Ren Feifan asked.

Yuan Hanqing shook his head, "There's no specific conversion for that. But I can tell you that an S-level assassin from Rakshasa Gate recently killed a cultivator in the late stage of the Profound Extreme Realm!"

At these words, Ren Feifan's eyes narrowed. He was also at the late stage of the Profound Extreme Realm.

Or rather, he was half a step into the Earth-level Realm.