Chapter 281: No Matter How Strong, Why Should I, the Extraordinary, Fear? (Fifth Update, Please Reward!)_1

New World Cinema, hall 4.

When the two of them entered after ticket checking, Ren Feifan found that the hall number 4 was empty.

Xu Shihan found a middle seat and sat with composure.

"Wife, just the two of us?"

"I rented out the whole venue." Xu Shihan said casually after having a piece of popcorn.

Ren Feifan frowned, his wife was indeed loaded, easily renting out the entire theater.

But in terms of Xu Shihan's net worth, what's renting a venue?

As long as she is happy, it's all good!

Suddenly, Ren Feifan couldn't help but envision certain scenes. Was his wife planning something exciting in the cinema?


Then, a sly smile unfurled on Ren Feifan's face and he slid next to Xu Shihan.

His hand slowly made its way to Xu Shihan's fair thigh.

Xu Shihan didn't react because the movie had begun.

Ren Feifan was overjoyed thinking Xu Shihan didn't mind. Just as he was about to make his next move, a chilly voice stopped him:

"Ren Feifan, stop there or I'll get angry."