Chapter 287: Deliver the Message to Your Master! (First Update, Seeking Votes!)_1

She was well aware of the strength of Fireman. The average Huaxia cultivator couldn't hurt him.

In other words, whoever killed Fireman must be far stronger than him.

If the perpetrator is a cultivator, there's a good chance this person has reached the Heavenly Rank!

Heavenly Rank in Huaxia! She could count them all on her fingers.

Also, Fireman's mission this time should have been to assassinate a youngster named Ren Feifan. The time of death likely coincided with the assassination attempt, so the problem might very well lie with this youngster!

At the very least, this youngster must know what happened!

Grandma Raksha pressed a button on the machine and said indifferently, "Get me in touch with the Sect Leader."

"Yes, Grandma."

A crisp and pleasant voice came from the other side of the machine.

Suddenly, something came to Grandma Raksha's mind, and she hurriedly said, "Hold on a second."

"Grandma, do you have any other orders?"