Chapter 293 Did I, Ren Feifan, Do Anything Wrong? (2nd update! Seeking votes!)_1

All the East Ocean international students were filled with fear!

Terror from deep within their hearts!

What kind of person is this! He's more like a demon!

"The fight is over, and I haven't moved an inch. So, who won?" Ren Feifan asked indifferently.

"You won, you won…"

A group of East Ocean students hurriedly spoke in broken Huaxia, each feeling as if one of their legs had already been broken!

They didn't want to break another leg!

This guy was a madman, utterly disregarding the consequences!

Therefore, they must not provoke him!

Ren Feifan smirked and ignored the crowd. Instead, he turned to his dorm mates and asked, "Guys, do you remember who hit you?"

Wang Qingquan was taken aback, but soon realized that Ren Feifan was helping him regain face!

He nodded vigorously, bellowing as if to vent all his repressed feelings, "I'd recognize them even if I had turned to ashes!"

"Good, now here's your chance. Make all those who bullied you spit it out!"