Chapter 299 If Heaven Gives Me Brilliance, I Will Surely Be More Arrogant Than Heaven! (Four more, asking for recommendation tickets!)_1

The four people in the dormitory were completely shocked by Ren Feifan's slap!

They thought Ren Feifan was naturally free and did things at will, usually arrogant enough, but they never thought he would be a freak!

He even dares to hit the principal!

Although they were displeased with the principal, they felt that his bones flowed not with the blood of Huaxia, but with that of the East Ocean!

But no matter what, he was the principal who dared touch him in the whole school!

But Ren Feifan did it.

Without a trace of hesitation or dragging his feet, it was as if he had done something very ordinary.

The reason Ren Feifan dared to do it was that he had a backup plan.

Going to the police station was out of the question. He had established contact with the National Security Bureau. If the National Security Bureau couldn't even handle this kind of thing, it would be a joke.