Chapter 308: Duel with a Body Refinement Practitioner (Third update, seeking votes!)_1

Grandpa Hong had never expected that Chen Yaojin would show up out of nowhere, let alone kick his wrist to swelling right off the bat.

He was seething with rage! His eyes fixed harshly on Ren Feifan, he bellowed, "Who the hell are you!"

With a serene expression, Ren Feifan ignored Grandpa Hong, directing his gaze at the big oaf instead, asking, "Why aren't you fighting back? It's good for a man to show patience, but some people will take advantage of it to bully you over and over again."

The oaf blinked, his grateful eyes turning towards Ren Feifan, he replied, "My mom won't let me fight; she said she'd break my legs if I did."

Seeing Ren Feifan ignore his question, Grandpa Hong was at a loss. Suddenly, he kicked out at Ren Feifan.

Ren Feifan's eyes narrowed, a hint of cold in the corners of his mouth.

"Stand up!"

As the foot was about to land on Ren Feifan, he vigorously gripped Grandpa Hong's ankle, hollering, his left hand applying force and sending Grandpa Hong flying.