Chapter 334: The Needle King of Jiangnan! (Fourth Update, Seeking Recommendations!)_1

Jin Changwen, known as the Needle King of Jiangnan, looked slightly displeased.

Old Huang seemed to be overpraising the other party.

After all, they had all brought their proudest disciples.

Among those disciples, wasn't there a single outstanding talent in the medical field?

Didn't each of them come from prestigious Huaxia medical families?

Even if the young man by his side was adept at medical skills, he was far too young.

Traditional Chinese medicine greatly values experience.

Without experience, even the best medical skills are akin to armchair strategizing!

Yet, Old Huang was acting as if this young man was on par with him—absolutely ridiculous!

Jin Changwen frowned slightly and said to Old Huang, "Old Huang, some words should not be spoken carelessly, lest you bite your tongue. Even if you want to favor your disciple, you can't go too far."

Another elderly man also looked confused and asked, "Old Huang, which prestigious medical family in Huaxia does he come from?"