Chapter 347: Killing Four People! (Second Update, Seeking Recommendations!)_1

The two quickly arrived near the West City Abandoned Industrial Park.

This place was already in the suburbs, with not a single person for ten miles around.

At this moment, Cui Ying noticed that the Honda car that had been following them had disappeared. She quickly grabbed Ren Feifan's hand and said anxiously, "Feifan, the car following us has disappeared. Are we safe now?"

Ren Feifan shook his head and smoothly brought the car to a stop.

He opened the door, closed all the windows, and then instructed, "I suspect that group of people is preparing to take action. You should stay in the car and not go anywhere."

"What if there are many of them? Feifan, shall we call the police?"

"It's useless. These people are targeting us, they are not afraid of the police."

"But you can't go alone... I'm scared!"

Cui Ying curled up, tearfully looking at Ren Feifan, hoping Ren Feifan would stay.