Chapter 356: There's Plenty of Time Ahead! (Third Update, Seeking Recommendations!)_1

Nozawa Yamari looked at the young man in front of her and sighed deeply.


Despite her anger, she knew this was her destiny.

Once she betrays or disrespects him, he can easily erase her, even make her endure unbearable torment, unable to die even if she wants to.

Ren Feifan looked at the seemingly obedient female ninja in front of him and nodded, tossing her an elixir and then said:

"This elixir can help you regain your strength. After you are fully recovered, lay low next to Hattori Morizang and discover the relationship between Hattori Morizang and the Saint Doctor's Gate at all costs! Make sure not to trigger any suspicions!"

Nozawa Yamari nodded, her lips parting slightly: "Yes, Master."


Ren Feifan looked at Nozawa Yamari's alluring body, suddenly recalling the supposed proficiency of East Ocean women in certain matters?

Should he give it a try someday?

Yes, he could definitely consider this.

But quickly, he dismissed the thought for the time being.