Chapter 372: The Might of the Fire Dragon! (Eight more updates! Requesting subscriptions)_1

As Ren Feifan found a moment to catch his breath, Chen Xuanwu suddenly blasted off!

He vanished from his original spot instantly!

Before everyone could react, they saw a surprising scene.

Chen Xuanwu appeared behind Ren Feifan! He aimed a palm at Ren Feifan and threw in a heavy hit!

The speed was so fast that within a blink of an eye, his palm was already on Ren Feifan's back, making it seem like Ren Feifan would be sent flying at any moment, with his soul extinguished!

A chill ran down Xu Zhenhua's spine from a distance; how despicable were Chen and his son!

They shamelessly ganged up on Ren Feifan.

Even Chen Xuanwu, the Clan Leader of the Chen Family, stooped to such an ambush against a youngster!


Xu Zhenhua shook his head inwardly; Ren Feifan was truly done for this time.

Chen Xuanwu's cultivation level was as high as, if not higher than Chen Linglong's. If they took advantage of Ren Feifan's moment of negligence, Ren Feifan would definitely die!