Chapter 378: The Mystery of Ziyun Temple! (Fourteen updates! Requesting subscriptions!) _1

The next day, Ren Feifan received a call from Xu Shihan.

Lately, Cui Ying seemed a little upset, and Xu Shihan felt that too many things had been happening recently. Therefore she planned to take Cui Ying to the temple to burn incense and pray to Buddha, asking Ren Feifan to accompany them.

With the two ladies asking him, Ren Feifan could not refuse.

Back then, the old Ren Feifan would have disdained the act of burning incense and praying to Buddha, thinking it was just a psychological comfort. Yet now that he'd entered the practice, he held a certain respect for these deities.

Would the highest state of cultivation become like those immortals who tread the void?

Are those the so-called Buddhas? Are those the so-called immortals?

Xu Shihan and Ren Feifan had agreed to meet at Ziyun Temple in Jiangnan Province.

That's because the most famous temple in Jiangnan Province was Ziyun Temple.