Chapter 382: The Earth Leaderboard! (Eighteen updates! Please subscribe!)_1

Capital City, Sky Alliance Headquarters.

At this moment, a white-haired old man stood before a massive leaderboard, bracing a teacup, lost in thought.

His gaze fell on the names on the leaderboard, with a slight tremor.

"Ren Feifan, only twenty, annihilated the Shen Family of Jiangnan province overnight. Slayed numerous people, causing upheavals, devastating landscapes, stirring turmoil. A stroke of his anger decimated several outstanding generations of the Chen Family, gravely wounding Chen Xuanwu of the Capital City.

This young man has already achieved the Earth-level Realm, with ruthless methods, and a killing intent so immense that I've only seen in my lifetime.

This young man is proficient in medicine as well as cultivation. With his hands, he could heal broken bones and bring back the dead. As for his lineage and where he received his cultivation training, even the comprehensive resources of the Sky Alliance can't identify any trace or direction.