Chapter 387 Iron Blood Tenderness! (Second Update!)_1

Wang Zhen left with three resurrection pills, having extricated his time from his busy schedule to meet with Ren Feifan.

There's a bunch of things waiting for him to deal with at the National Security Headquarters, he couldn't possibly linger here chatting with Ren Feifan.

Before leaving, Wang Zhen gave Ren Feifan a pat on the shoulder and left him with a piece of advice.

"Young man, it's great to be ambitious, but in the Capital City, you should learn how to keep a low profile and tread cautiously."

Ren Feifan laughed at himself sarcastically and then went downstairs.

However, he was shocked when he reached the ground floor - Feifan Pharmaceuticals was bustling with people!

When did Feifan Pharmaceuticals attract such a crowd?

At this moment, Ye Chuchen was patiently answering a group of reporters' questions, with their microphones almost stuck up Ren Feifan's nostrils.

But honestly, Ye Chuchen did seem to have the look of a CEO now.

His responses were serene and unruffled.