Chapter 472: Twins? (Six more updates!)_1

Ren Feifan answered the phone, and as expected, it was from Nozawa Yamari.

"Master, there's news about the sword," she said, her voice tinged with fear.

"What's going on? Tell me."

"But this might require you to come to the East Ocean Nation, it's hard to explain over the phone. The Emperor of the East Ocean Nation's annual grand event is coming soon. Morizo Hattori will certainly be there, it might be your only chance," Nozawa Yamari said seriously.

Ren Feifan pondered for a while and nodded. "I'll come over as soon as possible. You continue to hide and investigate."

"Sure, master. However, I might not be able to pick you up, I will send someone I trust to pick you up, we'll stay in touch."

Nozawa Yamari hurriedly hung up the phone, clearly fearing that Morizo Hattori's people might notice something.

Ren Feifan frowned, then called Yuan Hanqing to book the earliest flight to the East Ocean Nation.