Chapter 515: Have you asked my sword? (Voting tickets and monthly tickets requested!) _1

"I'll ask again, where is Zheng Xinquan?"

Ren Feifan's voice was icy-cold to the extreme!

He dared to threaten the Law Enforcers within the Spirit Trapping Array, he was prepared for the worst.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was tense.

"Ren Feifan, what do you mean by this? You're due to leave in three days. Do you really want to stay here for three years?"

The Law Enforcer was naturally unafraid, with the Guardian still within the Spirit Trapping Array, what was there for him to fear?

"Where is Zheng Xinquan?"

The same sentence, still cold, chilling to the bone.

For some unknown reason, everyone felt a chill. The law enforcement officers were especially shocked and gasped, "Isn't this guy without True Qi, where did this chill come from?"