Chapter 524: Rigorous Cultivation _1

Ren Feifan had never imagined that he would have two Innate masters pushing him to become stronger. Such a honor was beyond his wildest dreams!

Although the two masters are no longer at the Innate level, they still have their cultivation experiences from it!

Returning to their former peak is just a matter of time.

The trio continued on their journey until it got dark.

Settled at the foot of a mountain, they all disguised themselves and took up residence in a desolate farmhouse in a village.

After settling down, Ren Feifan made a call to Xu Shihan, who became extremely excited upon hearing his voice. She persistently asked about his current location to which Ren Feifan could only play coy.

He couldn't meet Xu Shihan for the time being as they were likely to be wanted nationwide.

He wasn't sure about the extent of their manhunt, but he knew that as soon as he showed up, people would undoubtedly come to apprehend him!