Chapter 602: Hattori Morizang, Kill! (Eighteen More Updates)_1

No longer hesitating, a trace of cold severity flashed in Hattori Morizang's face as his aura suddenly burst forth.

This young man must die today to avoid trouble in the future!

The Kusanagi Sword in his hand astonishingly changed its color to a bloody red!

As if it was fully immersed in fresh blood.

"Ren Feifan, when you handed me the Kusanagi Sword that day, you certainly didn't know that the Kusanagi Sword is the true leader among the three great divine artifacts. Today I will let you witness the true power of the Kusanagi Sword!"

The next second, the aura on Hattori Morizang was completely absorbed by the Kusanagi Sword!

There was a great red glow!

Holding the Kusanagi Sword, Hattori Morizang unleashed a roar, swung the sword like lightning, and stabbed at Ren Feifan!

So fast!

Naturally, Ren Feifan was not weak. The Sacred Sword in his hands sparkled, clashing relentlessly with the Kusanagi Sword!