Chapter 605: The Beastly Heaven Tomb, Black Jiao! (21st Update!)_1


Within the Tomb of the Beastly Heaven, there existed a small Dragon Vein that once carried the destiny force of Lin City.

At that time, Lin City was the most powerful among hundreds of cities!

Frontier Ambassadors, Prime Ministers, Generals, Emperors, essentially all high-ranking government officials made history there; it was a rarely blessed location in Huaxia.

The three great families of Lin City- Xu Family, Zhou Family, and Cui Family were thriving, possessing unmatched power.

However, somehow the Dragon Vein was sealed by a powerful entity causing the destiny force of Lin City to decay.

Latter, all three great families of Lin City collaborated and hired a renowned Fengshui expert from Huaxia to pin down the primary issue, but the expert couldn't fully enter the Tomb of the Beastly Heaven or solve the formation within. Eventually, the issue was unresolved.