Chapter 610: Seeing This King, Yet You Don't Kneel in Submission!_1

Such swagger and cocky dialogue between Dandan and Ren Feifan were about to make the Black Flood Dragon explode with anger!

These two common humans were unbelievably full of themselves!

They must be exhausted of living!

Just as the fist was about to smash into the boy, the boy moved, his aura suddenly skyrocketed, and the surrounding Dragon Vein Qi seemed to be crazily rushing towards him!

"How has this guy's aura suddenly soared like this?"

The Black Flood Dragon sensed something was wrong, and a storm of disbelief was brewing in his heart!

He couldn't believe there was others besides himself who could absorb the Dragon Vein Qi so crazily!

The young man also threw out a fist, crashing towards the Black Flood Dragon's rampant punch!

The moment the fists collided, waves of shockwaves shattered the rock wall around them, and both retreated simultaneously!

The Black Flood Dragon retreated a whole seven steps while Dandan didn't move an inch!
