Chapter 659 Overbearing!_1


Ye Chuchen slammed the table angrily and shouted, "Do these guys really think they are something? They even dare to show up here! Fine, I would like to see what these people are up to! Arrange them in the conference room!"


As soon as the secretary made a few steps, Ren Feifan stopped her.

"Remove all the tea and snacks in the conference room, we do not serve dogs."

The secretary hesitated, then suppressed her laughter and nodded. She knew Ren Feifan's identity, this is the real chairman!

The only decision-maker of Feifan Pharmaceuticals!

Her heart fluttered, murmuring to herself, "Such a domineering chairman~"

After the secretary left, Ren Feifan and Ye Chuchen did not leave immediately. Suddenly getting an idea, they looked at each other and said in unison:

"Should we play a game before we meet them?"

"Ha ha." Both laughed out loud.

Meanwhile in the conference room.