Chapter 670: Bite back!_1

The girl hadn't lost her soul, but someone had deliberately controlled her with spells, creating the illusion of death,

I estimate that the two men beside her are the ones behind her, with their age, one should be her father, the other is likely her brother.

Ren Feifan gathered the Nine Yang True Qi between his fingers and pressed it directly onto the girl's sternum. The Qi flowed into her body, and the spell blocking her instantly disappeared.

The girl from Miaojiang sat up, taking deep breaths and coughing violently.


The sensation of feigned death was unbearable, making the girl want to celebrate her narrow escape from death.

Only then did she notice the two men next to her!

"Dad, Brother! What's wrong? Wake up! Wake up quickly!"

The Miaojiang girl frantically pushed the two men, but there was no response.

Ren Feifan's eyes hardened, he grabbed the girl's hand, and said, "They won't wake up. They're dead."