Chapter 676: The Demands of the Two Women!_1

Ren Feifan didn't take the car accident too seriously. He drove straight to Shengmen and then made a visit to the Ye family.

He intended to see Cui Ying and Xu Shihan, but never in a million years did he expect both of them to be in cultivation.

Ren Feifan was utterly dumbfounded. Xu Shihan, you started cultivating by yourself, but how did you drag Cui Ying into this?

Right now, he couldn't see either of them.

But upon closer thought, Ren Feifan realized that if Cui Ying and Xu Shihan both reached the third level of the Nine Yin Divine Xuan Gong, wouldn't that mean that if he concurrently made love to them, his cultivation speed would rapidly increase?

Holy crap!

This is about to take off!

With this realization, he felt better. Afterwards, he went directly back to his room and took out two pearls. As they approached each other, they suddenly produced arcs of electricity and black gas. Ren Feifan sat right in the middle, and began his Body Refinement cultivation!