Chapter 732: For Body Refinement, All Genes are Rubbish! _1

Upon hearing Ferrell's words, Anna's entire face turned pale, her first thought was of Annie!

"Annie... Annie... What have you done with Annie?"

Ferrell smiled, a beam of light shot directly from his hand, landing on Anna and instantly immobilizing her.

Naturally, Anna felt it and tried to break free, but she found that she had no strength to do so!

"Don't struggle, it's useless!"

Ferrell picked up Anna and tossed her onto the bed.

Looking at the beauty on the bed, Ferrell reveled in his triumph, then sneered, "Don't worry, I've sent someone to fetch your sister! Soon you two will be reunited on this bed!"

"Ferrell, if you dare lay a finger on my sister, I swear I'll tear you to pieces!"


Anna's face was slapped hard by the man, a trace of blood instantly spilled from the corner of her mouth, showing how much force he had exerted.

"Anna, stop your bullshit. When my men bring your sister here, I'll let you enjoy the good life!"