Chapter 004 [Put it on, and I'll turn into a beast]_1

Donghai, known as the Oriental Pearl, is the most prosperous city in the country. In Donghai, you can easily spot luxury cars on the streets which usually appeared in automobile magazines, and you can buy any famous brand product in shopping streets, of course, as long as you have enough money.

In the past month, Su Shan had gone shopping many times, but always with her mother. This was the first time Chen Fan was going shopping with Su Shan.

Chen Fan liked the feeling of being in a crowd. His mood would always relax whenever he was in a crowd.

He would feel that he hadn't deviated from reality and was still a grain of sand in the desert of life, not a cactus in the desert that was abandoned and isolated.

Since it was the weekend, and a heavy rain had cooled down the temperature significantly the previous day, the shopping street was crowded to the brim, people squeezed between the towering skyscrapers. From a distance, it looked like a group of ants crawling in a steel forest.

Where there're more people, there're naturally more women; and thus, more beauties too.

Tan-skinned, fair-skinned, dark-skinned...

Local, out of town, foreign...

Various beauties were uninterrupted on the streets, they drew the attention of nearly all the men on the street.

Faces as beautiful as goddesses, bare slender legs, ample busts, perk butts, slim waists...

These were women's means to attract men's attention, and they could arouse man's most primal desire.

"Hey, have you had enough?" Su Shan and Chen Fan felt the same, they loved being in a crowd for its bustling atmosphere. But today, she was a bit upset, because since Chen Fan got off the vehicle and came to this shopping street, his eyes hadn't left the women on the street.

Hearing Su Shan's words, Chen Fan looked away and grinned, "Darling, don't get worked up. I was just checking if there's any woman prettier than you. Sadly, after walking for so long, I can't find one."

Chen Fan's flattery was like a timely rain in a drought, instantly improving Su Shan's mood. She tossed her head and huffed, "Finally, you said something decent!"

"Uh, my beautiful and enchanting wife, look, it's kind of hot today. Shall we find a cold drink shop and have a refreshing drink?" Noticing Su Shan's self-satisfied expression, Chen Fan asked with a smirking smile.

Seeing the wicked smile on Chen Fan's face, Su Shan had an epiphany: this tormentor wants to sit down somewhere to ogle beauties!

Once she grasped this, Su Shan's triumphant smile immediately vanished. She snorted and said, "We've just arrived and you already want to rest? No way!"

After saying that, regardless of whether Chen Fan was willing or not, she dragged Chen Fan towards a well-known perfume store.

Many men around Chen Fan cast sympathetic glances at him after seeing Susan's behavior. They all knew that sharing a bed with a beauty was a man's dream, but accompanying a beauty on a shopping spree was far from pleasant. their bewilderment, Chen Fan didn't seem to be upset at all. On the contrary, he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

This was the first time Susan had ever held his hand voluntarily!

After a few steps, Susan seemed to realize what she had done, and quickly let go of his hand, only to see Chen Fan grinning broadly.

God! I actually took the initiative to hold this jerk's hand?!

Susan felt like crying, wishing she could just crawl into a hole and hide.

But in lieu of a hole, she found herself surrounded by a splendid array of stores, and she decided to transform her grief into purchasing power.

Shopping spree? Splurging? Susan was the epitome of both.

Brand-name clothing stores, jewelry and accessory boutiques, perfume shops, leather purse outlets...

These were Susan's favorite places to go. Every time she entered empty-handed and left the same way, but the weight in Chen Fan's hands steadily increased.

"Honey, isn't it about time we call it a day?" After playing the pack mule for over three hours, Chen Fan finally grasped why Susan had asked him to go out with her—it was pure torture!

Compared to carrying bags, standing idly by while Susan selected items was what frustrated Chen Fan the most.

Seeing Chen Fan's pained expression, Susan finally flashed a brilliant smile. "Tired?"

"Tired!" Chen Fan nodded without hesitation.

Susan continued in a gentle voice, "Want to find a place to rest?"

"Yes!" Chen Fan nodded again.

Susan's eyes gleamed with mischief. "One more shop, then we'll get something to eat."

Upon hearing these words, Chen Fan perked up instantly, as though he'd just won a long, hard battle. "Then let's go."

"Right here." Susan pointed to a store on their left, grinning smugly.

Chen Fan followed the direction of Susan's finger, and was suddenly struck dumb!

The sign bore English words that Chen Fan recognized as the name of a famous lingerie brand.

"Shall we?" Seeing Chen Fan's smile freeze, Susan felt incredibly satisfied. It was payback time for him acting cocky before her, wasn't it?

After a brief stupor, Chen Fan made a face as if trapped in a dilemma, and shook his head, indicating his hesitation. "Um, it seems a little inappropriate for a grown man to go into that kind of store. You go ahead, I'll wait for you outside."

"No way! If you're not coming in with me, then I'll keep shopping until it gets dark!" Susan was determined. It had taken a while for her to find his Achilles' heel, and she was damn sure not going to let him off easy.

As though he had anticipated Susan's response, Chen Fan didn't seem surprised at all. He asked solemnly, "What if I accompany you in this store, and then we stop shopping and get something to eat?"

"Yes." Susan responded quickly by nodding. She didn't believe Chen Fan would dare to go into the lingerie shop. Ever since she became an adult, she had frequently shopped for underwear and rarely saw men accompanying women into lingerie stores, especially high-end ones like this.

However, totally against Susan's expectations, Chen Fan seemed eager instead of reluctant. "Let's go then! What are you waiting for?"

Who are you trying to fool? I don't believe you dare to go in!

Susan gave Chen Fan a doubting look for a few seconds, then decided to go into the lingerie shop first.

It's just a lingerie shop, not like walking into a battle. What's there to fear?

Chen Fan was thrilled. He had pretended to hesitate in order to confuse Susan and get her to agree to stop and eat after shopping for lingerie.

Chen Fan knew that this cat-and-mouse game he was playing with Susan was childish, but he found that he was beginning to like the game. Because he found that, in playing this game, his dark and decadent heart was slowly purified, which was also beneficial to his illness.

Before, he had Daphne treating him, her perfect body could help him get over his hurdles, but also make him addicted to her. That's why he called Daphne first thing in the morning when his illness struck.

However, Daphne, who was far away, couldn't control his condition this morning. Chen Fan realized that if Susan hadn't shown up in time, his illness would have completely taken over, and he would have been lost in it, with no idea what he might have done.

Chen Fan didn't have the luxury of hoping that being with Susan would erase his nightmares or pull him from the abyss. All he could do was try his best to adapt to his present life while hiding away his true self, not letting anyone into his inner world.

What he didn't realize was that Susan's willingness to live with him was her way of prying open the secrets in his heart.

In a way, it seemed like the two were fated to be adversaries. It could be predicted that their game would continue. It seemed prematurely to predict who'd come out on top.

As a well-known women's lingerie store, there was a dazzling array of underwear there: avant-garde, outrageously sexy, see-through, and even the legendary g-string...

Generally, there are two kinds of women's underwear, one where you have to take off the underwear to touch the butt, and the other where you have to touch the butt before you can touch the underwear.

The g-string is the epitome of the latter—you could touch all over someone's butt and still not be able to feel the g-string!

Because... it's hidden in the crevices.

A lingerie store is fully a woman's world. Besides the colorful underwear, there were stylish and elegant women meticulously selecting lingerie, and by their expressions, choosing underwear seemed harder than choosing jackets.

Chen Fan's arrival was like tossing a stone into a calm lake, instantly stirring up waves.

Some women who were originally holding risqué lingerie suddenly found an unexpected man in the shop. Like frightened deer, they quickly put down their sexy underwear, blushing and turned their attention to what seemed a bit more 'normal'.

To them, they might have the confidence to wear this lingerie in front of their own men in seductive poses, but they felt awkward choosing such provocative lingerie in front of a stranger.

Of course, there were also some bold women who, after a brief moment of surprise, continued discussing with the shop assistant about which one to buy.

Susan had initially thought that Chen Fan was bluffing and didn't dare to walk into the lingerie store with her. However, she miscalculated. Seeing him smugly watching other women selecting sexy lingerie, her competitive spirit was instantly sparked.

She strode forwards, picked up a sheer, lacy black thong, and waved it in front of Chen Fan, asking him flirtatiously: "Dear, do you think I'd look good in this?"

"Honey, black is renowned for its sensuality," Chen Fan responded unabashedly. "A woman in black lingerie exudes an undeniable allure, sparking a man's primal urges, giving him an irresistible feeling of sexual appeal. However, I think this thong alone wouldn't offer the best effect. If you could pair it with a black crotchless stocking and a backless bralette, I'd turn into a total beast tonight."

The room went silent instantaneously. All eyes in the lingerie store were fixated on Chen Fan, looking at him as if he had grown two heads.

Susan froze like a deer in headlights, utterly shocked by his audacious words.