Chapter 016 [Goddess's Invitation]_1

Def's speech was brief, she simply introduced herself and mentioned that she would be serving as psychological counselor at East Sea University, primarily responsible for the mental health of the freshmen. If anyone had any psychological issues, they could approach her.

After Def's speech, the freshman meeting ended. The students headed out of the auditorium for dinner. After dinner, they followed the class arrangement of their respective departments and went to the teaching building for a class meeting.

"Goddess! I finally beheld the legendary goddess!" Walking on the campus road, Xiao Feng boasted shrilly like a rooster in spring: "You all remember, right? My goddess said if we have any troubles in our mind in the future, we can go see her. Oh, God, this is just too wonderful! Tomorrow, I'm going to go see her. I'll tell her that I miss her to the extent of falling sick!"

After a brief period of confusion, Chen Fan also let go of his worries. He didn't ponder anymore on the sudden appearance of Def. He just let nature take its course. Hearing Xiao Feng's words, he jokingly retorted, "You are definitely sick!"

"Chen Fan, tomorrow, I will tell her in person that I have developed unrequited love, and the person I have feelings for is her! That way, I get to see my goddess daily. I'm simply too smart. Ha Ha!" Xiao Feng's face was filled with infatuation.

"You completely ignore so many Chinese women and even fall in love with a foreign chick! I guess there's no hope for you!" Yu Xuan sounded annoyed. As far as he was concerned, if he were to bring a foreign lady home, he might as well invite his grandpa's wrath.

Zhou Wen sighed, "Actually... she's more suited to be a queen."

Laughing at Zhou Wen's sudden comment, Chen Fan was rendered speechless. He felt like smacking Zhou Wen.


After grabbing something to eat, Chen Fan and the other three dashed to the teaching building together.

All four of them were in Managerial Business class four, while Susan, Zhang Qianqian, Huang Xiaodong, and others were not in the same class with them.

The class tutor of Managerial Business class four was a scholarly looking man in his thirties, wearing glasses.

Through introductions, Chen Fan learned that the tutor's name was Jing Hui, an East Sea University alumni from the business management faculty. After graduation, he opted to stay on as a teacher.

The content of the class meeting was quite simple. Jing Hui got everyone to introduce themselves and then elected a class head and a study committee member.

"Ah, why is it filled with ugly ducklings? If only they were one percent as charming as the goddess," Xiao Feng sat in the last row, listening to the self-introductions from the girls in the class, utterly uninterested.

Staring at Xiao Feng bearing the expression of unrequited love, Chen Fan couldn't help but give a bitter smile. As far as he could see, with Def's skills, if Xiao Feng dared to profess his love, he would surely go with a smile and return with tears!

The thought flashed in Chen Fan's mind. He hesitated, contemplating whether he should give Xiao Feng a warning, just then, he felt a faint vibration from his cell phone.

"Dear Butcher, I believe you saw me this afternoon. You must be curious as to why I'm here. Let's talk about it tonight?"

Pulling out his phone, Chen Fan was greeted with this message. It was from a stranger's number, but reading the content, he didn't need to think twice to guess who sent the message.

The image of Daifu's irresistible luscious figure instinctively flashed through his mind.

The vision was as if endowed with bewitching power, igniting Chen Fan's desire. But, he soon settled down and responded with a text: Alright.

In the following time, Daifu didn't text Chen Fan any further. Chen Fan's thoughts wandered back to the days he spent with Daifu.

Remembering those moments, the more Chen Fan felt that Daifu was like a rose with thorns; enchanting, yet lethal.

To him, Daifu was like a drug; one touch and he's addicted!

One and half hours later, the class meeting ended quite uneventfully. The result of the class president election left Chen Fan somewhat surprised, the eventual winner was Yu Xuan!

What Chen Fan didn't know was that Yu Xuan was forthright and honorable, he had well communicated with the other dorm occupants over the past two days and won the favor of most people.

"I won't be going back to the dorm with you guys, I have something to take care of." On leaving the classroom building, Chen Fan didn't follow the three back to the dormitory.

Taken aback by Chen Fan's words, Xiao Feng was stunned, "Damn! Chen Fan, it's only the second day of school and you're sneaking off to a hotel with a chick?"

"That's right, big brother is off to a hotel with your goddess!" Chen Fan responded half-joking, half-serious.

Xiao Feng flipped him the bird, "Drop dead! Dream on, the goddess will always be mine..."

"Chen Fan, don't worry about it, I've got your back." Yu Xuan, having become the class president, was in a good mood. He gave Chen Fan's shoulder a hearty pat.

Zhou Wen symbolically adjusted his glasses and offered a word of advice, "Everything in moderation, going overboard may harm you."

Chen Fan: "..."


Half an hour later, Chen Fan arrived at a high-end residential area in the city center by taxi. The community, modelled after the style of Tomson Riviera, did not cover a large area, but the housing prices were alarmingly high, truly a case of every square inch being worth its weight in gold.

Arriving at the door of Daifu's apartment, Chen Fan took a deep breath to steady his emotions before pressing the doorbell.

"Darling, you're forty minutes late than I expected." The door soon opened, Daifu standing at the entrance with a captivating smile on her face: "I thought you'd be here directly after the text."

With that, Daifu blinked lightly. She was wearing nothing more than a bath towel, her perfect S-curve shape brought out by the tight wrap, partnered with a sensual clavicle linking to a deep valley below, making for a strong visual impact. Her long, luscious legs were completely exposed to the air, the sexy charm made one itching to discover the secrets hidden between her thighs.

Seeing Chen Fan blatantly scanning her body, Daifu played with her wet hair falling onto her shoulder, and flirtatiously chuckled, "Don't look at me as if I'm some fallen woman. I just wanted to chat."

"How can a graceful and beautiful woman like Miss Daifu possibly be a fallen woman? You have to know when you made your entrance today, you stunned all the men around. My roommate couldn't get you out of his mind!" Chen Fan said, sporting a frivolous smile. As he passed by Daifu, the unmistakable mix of shampoo and a woman's scent hit him, making his heart flutter.

He knew that Daifu's scent was not like those of pure girls, but rather a natural one that reminded him of tulips.

Seeing Chen Fan make himself at home on the sofa, casually picking up and sipping the red wine that Daifu had poured in advance, she couldn't help but laugh, "Darling, looks like you've been managing your 'condition' quite well."

As she spoke, Daifu took a seat across from Chen Fan, crossing her legs. Whether it was intentional or not, she left a revealing gap, and with just a glance, Chen Fan could see the hidden beauty between her legs.

Having always had zero resistance to Daifu's body, Chen Fan felt as though he was on fire when she actively enticed him. With a soulful sensation engulfing him, he gulped down the wine in his glass, chuckling bitterly, "Daifu, can you put some clothes on first? You looking like this easily triggers felonious passion in me."

"Oh, darling, I thought you said you wanted to ravish me!" Contrary to doing as Chen Fan suggested, Daifu purposefully changed her sitting posture. The gap was even wider now, the viewing angle better; it'd be hard for Chen Fan to avoid seeing.

Daifu, sensing Chen Fan's painful restraint, leaned her body slightly forward. With her breasts pointing forward, she licked her lips, "Darling, why don't we go wild first?"