Chapter 018 [Beauty hides scissors] - Fourth update!!_1

In the apartment, Susan laid on the cartoon-themed bed, her playful feet tapping against the wall. In her hand, she held her phone, jokingly saying, "That lustful jerk will surely rush back hurriedly. When he returns, if he doesn't give this lady a satisfactory explanation, he will be in serious trouble!"

While Susan gloated at this end, Chen Fan, on the other hand, smiled bitterly as he heard the "beep beep" from the handset on the other end. It seemed that every time they spoke, it was always Susan who hung up first.

After hanging up, Chen Fan put his phone in his pocket, pulled up his pants, buckled his belt, and turned around.

On the couch, Daphne had not put her bathrobe back on and was still bare, but she was not lying on the sofa anymore, instead, she was sitting up straight, crossing her legs.

She held her wine glass, gently swaying it. The red wine in her glass formed a tiny whirlpool under her sway.