Chapter 022: 【A Smile that Topples Cities】_1

For those who rarely exercise, suddenly running long distances can be an extremely painful task. During the exercise, they will encounter their body's limit. If you break through this limit, you can keep going, but you'll be bedridden for the next two or three days. If you can't break the limit, unconsciousness can even occur.

This is why many people say that the real test of resilience in the army only comes in the first three months of being a new recruit.

In those three months, the new recruits who have never undergone training suddenly undergo high-intensity training, which is unbearable.

Generally speaking, not many first-time new recruits can manage the five kilometer run. Even for those who make it, they end up in a state of endless vomiting, and they're usually laid up for several days after returning to the camp.