Chapter 026: [Mountain to Rely On]_1

Ever since his last confrontation with Huang Xiaodong, Chen Fan had guessed that Huang Xiaodong would retaliate. Seeing Huang Xiaodong and Wu Kai exchanging knowing glances added to Chen Fan's suspicion.

In the morning, Chen Fan and Yu Xuan were teased and ridiculed by the pair. Chen Fan was not unangered, but believed that he could not retaliate openly and resolved to wait until darkness fell to settle accounts.

After all, openly dealing with them during daylight might implicate Yu Xuan and would surely attract others' attention.

With a plan in mind, Chen Fan repeatedly warned Yu Xuan as a precaution, but he had not expected that Yu Xuan would fall into Huang Xiaodong's trap and end up seriously injured!

This pushed Chen Fan to his limit!

It nearly caused the complete onset of his condition, but, fortunately, he was finally able to control himself, suppress the gloom in his heart, and refrain from committing murder.