Chapter 043 [Unexpected]_1

When honest people are provoked, they can be more terrifying than true villains; when rational people go crazy, they are absolutely, irrevocably insane!

—Chen Fan.

Ever since Chen Fan met Daphne, he always believed that she was the most rational person he had ever encountered.

Since Daphne came to China, although she has been acting somewhat unusually in Chen Fan's presence, he still holds onto this belief.

However... after receiving a call from Daphne at nine o'clock that night, Chen Fan started to question this.

This woman, Daphne, has gone mad!

Chen Fan thought to himself.

When Chen Fan arrived at the entrance of the community, a blue 'Bugatti EB16-4 Veyron 2004' was parked there — a 2004 edition Bugatti EB16.4!

Upon seeing this car, Chen Fan was taken aback.

There are only two of these sports cars in the United Kingdom. The famous English football star David Beckham owns one, while the other belongs to Daphne.