Chapter 082 [Never-ending Trembling]_1

Daphne cried.

As the most authoritative psychologist in the United Kingdom and even in Europe, Daphne's control can be described as terrifying.

However... at this moment, watching Chen Fan's frantic performance again, feeling his desolate heart, she, who had once entered his heart, experienced that desolate, dark inner world, silently wept.

Other children at the age of four were still whining in their mother's arms, but that man was left in a deserted desert, bathing in cold water all day, accompanied by wolves. Who could understand this feeling?

Again, who could understand how it feels for a six-year-old child to be alone in a deserted mountain, enduring the darkness and cold, while also preventing attacks from wild animals?

Who could comprehend such a dark childhood void of sunlight?!

Following the dark childhood were a series of missions, a series of battles, partings from life to death, the ruthless killings had already made his heart formidable to a horrifying extent!