Chapter 085 [Flaw Report] Second update, asking for monthly tickets!!_1

Upon hearing that Tian Cao wanted to meet him, Chen Fan was a bit curious, curious about what this strong girl wanted from him. However, Tian Cao didn't mention it in her text message, so Chen Fan didn't ask further.

Upon seeing Tian Cao, unadorned and simple in her attire, sitting next to Yu Xuan and his company, and looking at him with complicated feelings, he couldn't help but give a rueful smile. He realized that Tian Cao must have witnessed his previous performance.


As the thought crossed his mind, Chen Fan suddenly realized two pairs of eyes were intently fixated on him.

One of the gazes brought with it an elusive sensation of danger!

This realization caused Chen Fan's body to tense up abruptly, as he swiftly turned his gaze towards the source of danger!

The next instant, he noticed a man with ordinary looks and an indifferent expression.