Chapter 109 [Apologize, or Break the Dog's Leg!]_2


Seeing this scene, everyone, including Big Head, leaned against tree trunks and started retching.

"Ugh ... ugh ..."

While Big Head and others were vomiting uncontrollably, a piercing siren sounded from behind.

The siren shattered the tranquility of the forest in the early morning. Everyone, including Big Head, first instinct was to run upon hearing the siren!

However, facing the hellish scene in front of them, they had the courage to flee but lacked the strength to do so...

After ten minutes, more than twenty police cars, including criminal police, armed police, and special police, arrived one after another in front of the factory.

However... no matter what kind of police they were, they all turned pale at the sight of the horrific scene in front of the factory!

Even some policemen retched uncontrollably like Big Head and others!!

As policemen, they have seen death, more than once, but such a terrifying and bloody scene is new to them!