Chapter 123 [Great Favor] Two updates of seven thousand words, ask for monthly tickets!_2

To them, what use could Xiao Feng be? What could he contribute to Zhejiang's economic development?

As if to dispel their doubts, Vice Governor Luo warmly said, "Little Feng, Mr. Roman, the director of the Nal Group in Asia, already informed us that whether the Nal Group will invest in Zhejiang completely depends on you! That is to say, a word from you can determine whether the Nal Group will invest here!"

Upon saying this, even Vice Governor Luo is immensely excited. He was initially discouraging investment in Zhejiang due to Zhao Tianba causing trouble for Daphne. Now that a turn of events has occurred, how could he not be thrilled?

He, above all, understands that Nal Group, with its formidable influence in Europe, is one of the world's top financial groups. It has robust resources. If they choose to invest in Zhejiang, the province's economy will hit a second wave of growth.

And with this, there is a high chance that he'll be promoted...


Absolutely impossible!!