Chapter 163【Strangling a Genius?】_1

"You big dummy, you were incredible!"

Susan's praise sounded in his ear, and the image of Susan with her bashful yet seductive grin flashed in his eyes, stopping Chen Fan dead in his tracks. A sensation he had never experienced before swept over him, as if he had been electrocuted.

In the past two years, Chen Fan, like a ghost, drifted through every corner of the world, getting involved with countless women, many of whom would passionately kiss the terrifying scars on his body. Each time they did so, his desire would be instantly kindled, feeling like someone had just thrown a torch into a pile of dry wood.

But... at this moment, Susan's soft kiss did not provoke Chen Fan's desire, but instead, gave him a warm and electrifying feeling, something that those other women could never provide.

Slowly, a genuine smile spread across Chen Fan's face, faint, but heartfelt.