Chapter 247 - [Interlude...] _1

While Chen Fan and Li Ying were cavorting in bed, a luxurious villa in the affluent district of Bangkok, Thailand, was the setting for a parallel drama.

Clad in a bath towel and holding a glass of wine, Xue Qiang sat on the sofa. A dazzling smile on his face, his mind whirled with thoughts, yet he remained silent.

Clip-clop! Clip-clop!

Footsteps echoed from the direction of the bedroom.

Astonished, Xue Qiang snapped his attention towards the bedroom door.

Following his gaze, a figure was seen emerging from the bedroom.

"Beloved, why didn't you wake me up? I ended up oversleeping..." The figure lithely walked up to Xue Qiang, swinging his hips and using a coquettish voice to tease him, whilst displaying a faux hurt expression.

Under normal circumstances, any man dressed in such attire combined with a flirtatious demeanor would have aroused lustful desires in any other man.

But… The figure standing before Xue Qiang was a man!!