Chapter 279【The Name Moves the Capital City】Part 6_2

Fan Degui's body jerked violently, his pupils dilating to their maximum size and his voice began to tremble: "What...what happened that day?"

"Fan Xian took me to buy a pair of agate earrings, but they were picked by that girl first, then...then we tried to persuade the shopkeeper to sell them to us. But that girl and her man were not willing to let go easily, they raised the price. After that, we spent...a lot of money to buy them." Lin Ying stopped speaking, afraid to look at Fan Degui's furious eyes, but something came to her mind and she continued: "However... that girl was purposefully toying with us, she never intended to buy them!"

Fan Degui, who was initially furious, let out a slight sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"Grandpa... there is another matter." However, before Fan Degui could utter a word, the initially silent Fan Xian suddenly spoke: "After that incident, I was so angry that I...I... arranged for someone to quietly break that guy's leg, and then..."