Chapter 287【Significant Meaning】_1

Early the next morning, when the distant red sun was halfway up, Chen Fan and Susan set off in Old Master Chen's vintage Red Flag car, brought to the airport by Little Zhuzi.

Chen Fan's mother, Sun Yaling, had wanted to accompany them, but considering her frail health and difficulties moving, Chen Fan did not agree.

After all, the journey from the Military Region to the airport was not short, and the weather was incredibly harsh, with the cold wind howling constantly.

Old Master Chen had originally planned for the Military Region to use a helicopter to send Chen Fan back to the East Sea, but Chen Fan felt this would be overly conspicuous. Being at the center of attention as it was, such a gesture could attract unwanted gossip, and so he rejected the idea.

Chen Fan was scheduled to take the eight o'clock flight.

When Little Zhuzi drove them to the airport in Old Master Chen's vintage Red Flag car, it attracted quite a few sideways glances.