Chapter 338 "Fearless of Death" Request for Votes!_1

The figure standing in front of Tian Cao was none other than Chen Fan.

After Tian Cao left for the restroom earlier, he had been sitting in the booth, pondering on how to deal with the Xue Family. By chance, he heard Tang Ping's and Tian Cao's discussion happening outside the booth due to his extraordinary sense of hearing.

For this reason, he snuffed out his cigarette and exited the booth right away. He happened to witness Tang Ping reaching out to touch Tian Cao's face. Without any hesitation, he moved forward and seized Tang Ping's mischievous hand.

Under the light, Chen Fan's face didn't look good.

Suddenly having his wrist seized by Chen Fan, Tang Ping's face changed slightly, and much of his drunkenness subsided. He tried to struggle, only to find his hand immobilized as if clamped by pliers.

"I'm sorry, he's drunk..."