Chapter 346【Lawless? Move the mountains!】_1

"Director Tang, we meet again!"

When he heard these words and saw Chen Fan approaching him under the car light, Tang Ping immediately stiffened. His pupils dilated to their maximum and the shock in his eyes wasn't hidden at all.

Is it him?

Didn't Kang Lin cripple his arm and leg?

How can...

This is impossible!

This is absolutely fucking impossible!!

Tang Ping roared inside, closing his eyes and shaking his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up.

Several seconds later, when Tang Ping opened his eyes again, Chen Fan had already approached his car, quietly looking at him.

This time, Tang Ping confirmed, it was indeed Chen Fan who had fought him fiercely that day!

"Is it you?" After recognizing Chen Fan, the muscles in Tang Ping's eyes twitched violently. His ferocious expression showed he wanted to tear Chen Fan to pieces.