Chapter 349【Step on you to death】Part 2

Chen Fan did not try to stop him, he just quietly watched the criminal detective captain.

The expression on the captain's face changed several times before he finally lifted his gaze to meet Chen Fan's, trying to say something.

However, before the captain could speak, Chen Fan interjected again, "People need policemen like you to solve cases, but the officialdom doesn't need people like you. You are not suited for it, and you should not be involved."


The captain's face suddenly changed, his gaze complex as he looked at Chen Fan.


After briefly closing his eyes and taking two deep breaths of the night air, the captain commanded in a low voice, "Fall back!"

As soon as the captain spoke, his criminal detectives didn't hesitate. They immediately followed him in retreat, displaying the discipline from their usual training.

As for the rest of the policemen, they were left with complex expressions, as if they were stuck between a rock and a hard place.
