Chapter 355: "When the Tree Falls, the Monkeys Scatter" Part 1

At the classroom door, Xiao Feng, Yu Xuan, and Zhou Wen, who knew Chen Fan's character well, gaped at the scene of Chen Fan sobbing with his head in his hands.

They couldn't imagine what incident could make a man as strong as a War God fall into such a state.

"It's still class time, everyone disperse and return to class." After a brief moment of shock, Yu Xuan, as class leader, broke the silence in the hallway.

Since the exchange activity with East Sea University, Yu Xuan had become a very influential figure in the business management major. When he spoke, even though the students found it strange, they didn't ask questions, didn't discuss, and silently returned to the classrooms.

Seeing the students return to the classroom, Yu Xuan and the other two said nothing more and walked towards Chen Fan.

Quickly, they reached Chen Fan, squatting down beside him. However, none of them tried to comfort him or spoke a word.