Chapter 357【Tit for Tat】_1

Time seemed to come to a standstill at that moment. The intensive care unit suddenly fell silent, as everyone's eyes turned simultaneously to Chen Fan and Chen Fei, wondering what was about to happen next.

Chen Fei felt his whole body go numb as Chen Fan squinted at him, he felt as though he was being hunted by a wild beast. His chest felt as if it were weighed down by a mountain, throwing off his breathing rhythm.

Amid the attention of everyone, while Chen Fei was stunned by Chen Fan's emotionless gaze, Chen Fan moved once again.

He shifted his footsteps and walked straight towards Chen Fei.

Perhaps he did not want to disturb the peacefully sleeping Old Master Chen, Chen Fan moved quite lightly. Each time he lifted his foot, it lingered in the air for a moment before gently landing on the floor, almost making no noise.

One step, two steps, three steps...