Chapter 368: The mantis stalks the cicada, with the oriole behind - Part 3

In the afternoon, when the sun was high in the sky, a red Range Rover drove off from the Nanjing highway exit into the downtown area. It zoomed past several red lights and charged into NJ Military Region. After smoothly passing through a few visible checkpoints and dark sentinels, it entered the inner courtyard of the military district, stopping in front of a three-story General's Building.

At the entrance of the General's Building, Li Yunfeng's guards had already been informed about the two red Range Rovers breaking through red lights and entering the military area. They had been waiting for quite some time.

In the red Range Rover, Li Ying, her face filled with worry and urgency, quickly turned off the car, opened the door, got out, and briskly walked towards Li Yunfeng's guards. She said, "Brother Yuan, is my grandfather here?"