Chapter 369: The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind - Part 4_2

"It seems you're quite pleased," Chen Fan began, his remark punctuated with a faint smile.

"Absolutely! Seeing you looking like a dead dog truly makes my day!" Huang Zhiwen's demeanor suddenly darkened as he continued, eyes locked on Chen Fan like a venomous snake, delivering his words deliberately, "Chen Fan, I told myself the moment you crippled my son's leg that one day, I would make you pay!"

"And that day has come!" Huang Zhiwen added, breaking into a loud, scornful laughter, "The end days! Do you understand??"

The room was filled with Huang Zhiwen's sadistic laughter. It was an unsettling sound, making the two SWAT officers uneasy with its ominous undertones.

"Sure enough, you are a hungry wolf." Chen Fan echoed with laughter.

Huang Zhiwen's face contorted at the sight of Chen Fan's amused expression. It was quite unpleasant to him that Chen Fan could laugh at a moment like this.

"Click! Click!"