Chapter 388【Game Without Rules】First release, thank you everyone!_1

Half a minute later, Huangfu Hongzhu brought Chen Fan to the study and stood in front of the blackboard with a relationship map on it.

Seeing Huangfu Hongzhu standing in front of the blackboard, Chen Fan immediately understood that what Huangfu Hongzhu wanted to show him was this blackboard with the relationship map.

Although he had seen this blackboard no less than three times, he still noticed the change on the blackboard at first glance.

He clearly saw that the name "Chu Wentian," originally in the center of the relationship map, had been replaced with his own.

"Although I believe you have the ability to deal with Xue Hu's Black Gold Empire, the people and network of relationships on this blackboard should be able to help you," Huangfu Hongzhu softly said.

Chen Fan's eyebrows slightly raised but he didn't respond.