Chapter 404【Raised by the High Heels Queen】_1

As the guests left in waves, the bustling Knell Castle fell silent. The soft moonlight spilled over every corner of the castle, as if adorning this ancient castle with a silver robe, glimmering in its resplendence.

Under the moonlight, one could faintly perceive some figures concealed within the castle brimming with an air of antiquity. These figures, grouped in small clusters, were scattered throughout the castle, making up its defense team.

Most of the buildings within the castle were lit, including the building at the very center where the top-most floor was unusually bright.

That was the meeting room of the Knell Family.

Generally, family meetings of the Knell family would be held in the morning, unless important matters necessitated an emergency meeting at night.

In the past few years, the Knell family had never convened a family meeting at night.

But tonight was the second time.