Chapter 444【Emperor Yanqing, Bad Omen Arriving!】_1

When the last light of the sun dissolved completely, the setting sun dropped behind the mountain and the night fell gradually, reducing the bustling Hangzhou City to quiet.

At Hangzhou Airport, a small passenger plane slid some distance on the runway before taking off, diving into the clouds like a bird, heading for the imperial city of Yanjing.

Inside the plane, the Jiang father and son looked deathly pale, as though they had lost their souls.

According to instructions from above, they were being taken back to Yanjing. While the disciplinary committee members dug into the deposition from the Jiang father and son in Yanjing, they simultaneously had someone in Zhejiang investigating and verifying the content from the article.

By afternoon, the articles that were all over the internet were completely deleted, and nothing related to the article could be found on the internet. However, some users had saved copies.